
BIOVALENTIA: Biological Research Journal has been indexed by DOAJ with green thick since August 16 2017. For this reasons, BIOVALENTIA: Biological Research Journal commits to full Open Access Policy for all sections

BIOVALENTIA: Biological Research Journal issues are depositted in PKP LOCKSS Network (PLN).

DOI Journal for BIOVALENTIA: Biological Research Journal is 

BIOVALENTIA: Biological Research Journal has been publised since November 2015. It has been indexed by Sinta since 2016, Google Scholar since 2016, DOI Crossref since 2017, DOAJ with green thick since 16 August 2017, Garuda since 2017, Indonesia One Search by Perpusnas since 2018. The other indexing are on ISJD, Dimensions, OCLC WordlCat, Base, and other indexing sites.


Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Indra Yustian, M.Si.